Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 12 April 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-03-20 19:22:34 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 12 April 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 12 April 2024

Meher waits for Sarab as he walks towards home. Some goons notice the money in his hand. Meanwhile, Param cries out of hunger, and Karan joins in.

Meher divides the milk from the feeder between Param and Karan, comforting them not to cry. She then hands the feeder to Karan. In her heart, Meher acknowledges that she must distract Param until Sarab arrives. She suggests playing hide and seek, promising that Papa will bring food before the game ends.

As the goons approach Sarab, they strike a bottle on his face, causing him to faint. Param, unaware of the danger, hides while Meher blindfolds herself.

The goons attempt to snatch money from Sarab's hand, but he holds onto it tightly. Meher anxiously awaits Sarab's arrival, while the goons attack him.

Meanwhile, the same kids Param had a confrontation with at the park approach him, causing Meher to tear up. Meher counts while the goons steal money from Sarab. The kids silence Param, and Meher rushes to rescue him.

Sarab, thinking about Param's hunger, gathers his strength and stands up. The kids stuff Param into a bag, prompting Meher to search for him. Sarab confronts the goons, breaking one's hand and reclaiming the money. He assures them that he will return with food for Karan and Param.

Returning home, Sarab removes Meher's blindfold and hands her the money, bringing tears to her eyes. The children spot Sarab and Param, who rushes inside. Meher reveals that Param wet his pants out of fear of ghosts after a year, to which Param admits and expresses relief.

Sarab praises his brave son and joins in playing with both kids. Together, they share a meal of lentils and onions.

Meher symbolically locks away Param's fear in an onion, breaking it to show him it's gone. They all eat together, sharing moments of joy and togetherness.

Param sits down to eat with Meher and Sarab. Amrita urges Kulwant to eat, stating that no one else is eating without her. Kulwant insists she won't eat until Meher is found.

Amrita oversees the renovation of the room. Aditi expresses her desire to strengthen her bond with Vikram in the same room where Meher and Sarab fell in love.

Harleen agrees, suggesting that the room will be perfect for Aditi, formerly Meher's. However, she emphasizes that nothing in the room will change, as it will always belong to Meher and Sarab.

Sarab reclines on the floor, finding solace in the simplicity. Param questions if they will sleep there without a mattress or pillow.

Meher rests her head on Sarab's arm, calling it the best pillow in the world. Param, recalling how his parents used to make him sleep in a similar way, sheds tears.

Another girl shares a similar experience, mentioning her deceased mother. As they prepare to attack, they hear a police siren and flee. Meher and Sarab smile at the children and exchange a kiss before they all drift off to sleep, intertwined.

In another scene, Amrita finds Kulwant sleeping on the floor without a blanket. Concerned, Amrita mentions the cold, but Kulwant insists on sharing the same discomfort as Meher and Sarab. Bitu, Rana, and others join them, expressing solidarity by choosing to sleep on the floor as well.

Param wakes up frightened, but Sarab reassures him and helps him back to sleep. Meher wonders why Param is scared, but Sarab suggests it might be due to the unfamiliar surroundings.

They decide to rest, anticipating a busy day ahead, and bid each other good night before falling asleep.

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