Choti Sarrdaarni Written Summary For Monday 20 November 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2023-11-16 15:36:59 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Summary For Monday 20 November 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Summary For Monday 20 November 2023

Sarab urges Meher to return home, but she firmly stands by her decision, stating that she'll only go back after giving birth. Cheers feel the air. As Meher bids farewell to Param, Sarab suggests to Param that he should express his emotions to Meher, telling her he can't live without her.

Sarab advises Param to knock on Meher's door, ask to use the washroom, then request to sleep with her. Sarab plans to act sleepy, making Meher ask him to stay.

However, Meher emerges, advising them to stay overnight due to unsafe driving conditions. Sarab agrees, but in the morning, he wakes up to find Param gone. Param calls, asking Sarab to come to the school, and Sarab agrees.

Param engages in a playful argument with his friends, each claiming that their parents will win the best couple competition.

Yuvi insists his "Pammi papa" will be the victor and ends up squabbling with the other kids.

When all the parents arrive, Param enthusiastically urges Meher and Sarab to participate and win.

The teacher announces the competition in three days, and Sarab expresses reservations, but Meher, determined, insists they will win.

Sarab's family discusses the upcoming competition, with Sarab confidently asserting their victory. Harleen, however, believes she and Robbie will win. As they talk, Sarab coughs.

At night, Meher coughs while eating, and Pammi playfully suggests that Sarab must be missing her. Several health concerns dominates, suggesting Meher shouldn't participate in her condition. Yuvi, however, reassures them of Meher's strength and volunteers to train her.

Meher calls Sarab, instructing him to wake up at 5 AM. Sarab sighs, and Meher advises him to avoid spicy food and eat yogurt.

Sarab laments not having someone to provide it for him, and Meher teases him about his college days. They end the call with mutual expressions of missing each other.

Param urges Sarab to wake up for training. When Sarab doesn't respond, Param resorts to pouring water on him, successfully waking him up.

Harleen prompts Robbie to get up, and they prepare to join Meher and Sarab for the training.

Amrita attempts to wake up Yuvi, who pleads for more sleep, but Jagga insists they go for training.

Everyone gathers for the training, and Param, acting as the punctual coach, encourages them. He points out that they need to reserve their names by 11. Sarab and Meher hold their ears as Param scolds them.

The group is confident about winning. Sarab credits Param's coaching skills, jokingly calling him a monkey. The teacher informs them that Meher can't participate due to her condition, and Harleen, having influenced the principal, argues against Meher's enrollment, deeming it risky.

Param becomes upset, but Meher intervenes, threatening legal action. The teacher relents, allowing them to participate, and Param commends Meher for her acting skills.

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