Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Rajveer cries and tells Prince that he will fulfill all his dreams. He asks him to wake up and not behave this way, saying he is scared.
Seher returns to Kavita’s house. The man insists that Kavita does not live there, but Seher says she needs to go inside. The man allows her, and she finds Kavita.
Kavita shares her painful story, explaining that her parents do not let her go out due to her rare blood group. She reveals that she cannot have children of her own and has adopted two kids, whom she takes extra care of.
Seher tells her about Prince and pleads with her to save him, saying that maybe God has chosen her for this purpose. She promises to keep her safe. Kavita helps Seher up and says she must be like a mother to the child. However, she refuses to help and apologizes.
Seher explains how Prince has given meaning to their lives and expresses her desire to see him grow up, just like Kavita wants for her children. She begs her to help, saying Prince’s life depends on it.
Prince’s condition worsens. Rajveer cries as the nurse informs him that his condition is critical. She asks if she should give another injection, but the doctor refuses.
Meanwhile, Prince dreams of being with Meher. He tells her that his mother left him and asks if she does not love him. Meher reassures him that he is lovable and no one can dislike him.
Prince asks if his mother will ever return. Meher tells him that when his heart tells him who his real mother is, he should listen to it. Prince nods, and the dream ends.
Rajveer is asked to leave the room. He cries outside. The man in Kavita’s house tells Seher that he cannot risk her life. Seher shares how her mother once saved Param while she was pregnant. She folds her dupatta and begs Kavita to give Prince a chance at life.
The doctor informs Rajveer that if the donor does not come soon, there will be no hope left. Rajveer urges Prince to keep breathing. The family prays for him. Just then, Seher arrives. Rajveer asks if she has found the donor. Seher explains that the doctor has not come, but they can take Prince to Kavita’s house.
Kulwant asks how this is possible. Seher reveals that Kavita cannot travel due to the risks to her life because of her rare blood group. She asks the doctor if they can move Prince to Delhi for the transfusion. The doctor agrees, provided they take proper precautions.
Everyone travels to Kavita’s house in PPE kits. Kavita expresses her happiness in helping a lovely child. The family thanks her. The doctor asks them to wait outside. Kulwant reassures Harleen that Prince will be fine. Rajveer praises Seher for her efforts, but Seher says they have not won until Prince regains consciousness.
The doctor comes out and announces that Prince is now out of danger. Everyone thanks God. Seher asks if they can meet him. The doctor allows them, provided they wear PPE kits. He also informs them that they can take Prince home by evening.
Seher, Kulwant, Harleen, and Rajveer enter the room in PPE kits. Seher thanks Kavita for her help. Harleen asks if they can do anything for her in return. Kavita thanks them instead, saying they gave her the chance to save Prince, something only a mother can do.
Two Days Later, Everyone waits outside Prince’s room. Kulwant says they cannot face him because he will ask for Khushi as soon as he wakes up. Prince regains consciousness and immediately asks for his mother. Rajveer rushes to him. Prince asks for "K Mamma" and says he knows that Rajveer will also leave him. Rajveer assures him that he will never leave and promises to always be with him.
Prince then asks if Rajveer is his father. Rajveer confirms that he is and vows never to leave him. Seher watches with teary eyes. She enters the room and reassures Prince that his father will always be there for him. Prince asks if she will take his father away like his "K Mamma" did. Seher promises that no one will separate him from his father. She gently covers him with his favorite blanket.
Rajveer reassures Prince that he will always be there for him and makes a promise. Seher, watching them, thinks to herself that nothing is more important than Prince’s happiness. She silently vows that no one will ever separate him from his father.
Elsewhere, Kulwant visits Dolly, who expresses regret for supporting Harleen and Khushi without knowing the truth. She asks Kulwant not to scold her. Kulwant tells her she has not come to reprimand her and hugs her instead, saying that Prince’s recovery is all that matters.
Dolly wonders how Khushi could do this to Prince, questioning how he will live without her. Kulwant explains that sometimes people become so selfish that they fail to see how their decisions impact others. She says that realization comes with time.
Later: Rajveer looks at pictures of himself with Seher. Seher asks if he plans to satisfy his hunger by looking at the photos. Rajveer admits that he knows how difficult this is for her and apologizes. Seher insists that no one is to blame, explaining that they are all bound by circumstances.
She acknowledges that he did the right thing, considering Prince has no parents with him. She reflects on how a child brings happiness into anyone’s life, simply wanting love and care in return. She tells Rajveer that, as Prince’s father, he must stay strong. She urges him to eat.
Rajveer notices that Seher has not eaten either. He feeds her while they sit in the kitchen. He thanks her for understanding him.
Seher then brings up something important. She tells Rajveer that Prince has become lonely and needs a mother as well. Rajveer asks what she means. Seher explains that the way he cried for Prince proves he is truly his father. She tells him that if Prince sees him as his father, then he should accept it too.
She points out that only a father could do what Rajveer has done for Prince. She reminds him of their deep bond and says that she has been thinking about adopting Prince. Rajveer hesitates, saying it is a big responsibility. Seher tries to convince him, promising to love Prince as much as he does.