Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2025-02-20 21:16:53 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Monday, 3 March 2025

Prince tells Rajveer, "Daddy, I am so scared." Rajveer reassures him, saying, "You are fine now. I am here. Let’s sleep." Rajveer falls asleep, but Prince stays awake, trying to kill mosquitoes with his toy gun. Rajveer wakes up and asks, "What are you doing?"

Prince replies, "No mosquitoes will bite you. I am protecting you." Rajveer smiles and says, "You are so cute. Let’s apply this cream. It makes them go away." Prince insists, "Let me apply it on you." Rajveer calls him his cutie and tells him to sleep.

Prince lies in his lap and asks Rajveer to sing Ladki Ki Kaathi for him. Rajveer doesn’t know the song. Prince complains, "You don’t love me." Rajveer promises to sing it tomorrow. Prince insists, "Sing in the girl’s voice like you did last time."

Rajveer says, "Seher isn’t here." Kulwant enters, and Prince tells her, "Daddy isn’t singing *Ladki Ki Kaathi*." Kulwant encourages Rajveer to sing. Rajveer refuses, saying, "Seher does it, not me."

Meanwhile, Seher sits in her room, missing Rajveer. Karan applies medicine to her wound. Prince holds her hand and, Seher says, "Meher Mama always told me to take care of you. Because of you, she feels close. What if something happened to you?"

Seher assures him, "You both are here for me." Karan questions, "Then why did this happen?" Param adds, "You are in so much pain." Seher replies, "We all are. Prince is in pain too." Kulwant agrees, "So is Raj. Prince is asking him to sing."

Karan wonders, "Why are people forcing Rajveer to stay away from you and be with Prince?" Seher defends Prince, "It’s not the kid’s fault. He was scared. He hugged me as if I would care for him. He is in this situation just like us. We can’t leave him alone. We can’t hate him. He is just a child."

Prince pleads, "Daddy, sing for me, please. In a girl’s voice." Rajveer sings hesitantly. Prince laughs and asks, "What are you doing?" Seher arrives at the door. She starts singing, and Rajveer mimics her. Prince falls asleep. He murmurs, "Daddy, I was so scared. I thought someone was singing the same way around me. My hoodie fell into the coal. I miss that hoodie. I asked Seher to let me take it, but she didn’t. That hoodie smelled like you."

Rajveer comforts him, "I got you another hoodie." Prince hugs him tightly and says, "I love you, Daddy. I will sleep in this hoodie." Rajveer helps him put it on. Seher watches them and smiles. Prince sleeps peacefully.

Khushi arrives. Devika informs her, "Seher is also here." Khushi remarks, "She is just trying to feel better. She is not part of this picture anymore. They will do whatever Prince says." Meanwhile, Seher asks Rajveer to check Prince’s fever. Rajveer leaves the room.

Rajveer takes Seher’s hand and apologizes, "I can’t fulfill my responsibility towards you. Your hand is burned." Seher reassures him, "Karan applied cream." Rajveer offers to bring her milk, but Seher says, "Nani already got it." She adds, "My husband should have done it. But you didn’t." Rajveer sighs, "I couldn’t." Seher gently says, "Just love me." Rajveer confesses, "If I don’t love you, I won’t survive."

Seher acknowledges, "If anything happened to Prince, things would have gone terribly wrong." Rajveer praises her, "You are a hero. You saved him." Seher corrects him, "We did it together." Rajveer laughs and says, "You make me cry, so I have to laugh to control it." Prince stirs in his sleep and calls, "Daddy..." Seher asks Rajveer to go to him.

The next morning, Ginni brings Seher tea. Kulwant announces, "Your brothers and uncles are cooking today." She urges them to hurry up. They serve food. Rana introduces the dish, "This is gobi manchurian." Karan explains, "It’s a combination of Chinese and Indian flavors."

Bitu insists, "Try it, it’s really good." They serve Seher. Param recalls, "Seher, you used to eat noodles with your hands when you were a kid." Kulwant prays, "I hope my Seher always keeps smiling."

Prince enters. Khushi exclaims, "My baby is here!" Prince announces, "I want to eat with Daddy’s hand." Khushi guides him, "Come sit here." Harleen suggests, "We should start preparing for Devika and Param’s wedding functions." Devika’s mother adds, "We have a ritual where we give gifts to the groom’s family." Dolly silently thinks, "They are planning something."

Seher agrees, "We will organize the function. It will be great." Harleen says, "I was thinking of inviting all of Prince’s friends." Prince excitedly hugs her and says, "Thank you, Harleen! I miss my friends." Kulwant asks, "Can white kids stay here?"

Harleen explains, "Prince wants to introduce his friends to his dad." Prince beams, "I am so happy, K Mama!" Khushi hugs him and whispers, "Seher will take your dad away during the functions." Prince frowns and declares, "Daddy, Seher won’t come to any functions. She wants to separate us. She won’t let me be near you."

Rajveer firmly tells Prince, "Go to your room." Prince protests, "No!" Rajveer raises his voice, "Prince..." Then he calls out, "Khushi!" Kulwant scolds Khushi, "You are blackmailing Rajveer using Prince. This isn’t right. Seher and Rajveer are suffering."

Harleen argues, "Prince has been suffering every day since he was born." Khushi blames Seher, "He wasn’t well, and because of her, he fell into the ditch. This stress is bad for him." Harleen adds, "Prince is constantly questioned about his father. It is painful for him. Can’t Rajveer do this for Prince? He is his father."

Param interrupts, "Bua, don’t try to turn a lie into the truth. The DNA test isn’t done yet." Khushi dismisses it, "I care about my son, not some test. Do you want him to never get better?" She turns to Rajveer, "What if Seher doesn’t come to the function? Think about Prince’s health." Rajveer hesitates. Seher speaks up, "I care about his health and happiness. Don’t worry, I won’t attend any functions." Everyone is shocked.

Rajveer protests, "I take care of Prince because Seher helps me." Seher reassures him, "Please don’t worry." Rajveer is frustrated, "You do so much, and this is how they treat you. They keep giving you conditions. I won’t go to any function either. We will always be together." Seher calmly says, "You know we are together. If you go, I will be with you in spirit. I can’t be where I am hated, but you have to go. For us."

Param objects, "No, Seher! My functions are impossible without you." Seher insists, "It doesn’t matter. My love is always with you." She holds their hands. "We have to be strong," she says. Param sighs, "Everything is in trouble. We have to get Rajveer’s DNA test done."

Rajveer leaves in tears. Seher calls after him, "Please listen, Raj." He replies, "I can’t be there without you." Seher comforts him, "Our hearts are always together. Video call me like my boyfriend. I slept so peacefully last night. Everything will be fine. Time will heal everything. We will always be together." She hugs him.

Later, Prince gets ready and admires Rajveer, "My dad is so handsome!" Harleen brings in his friends. She tells him, "Introduce them to Seher." Khushi interrupts, "Your dad will stay with you all the time. Bad Seher won’t be here."

Dolly confronts Devika, "Why don’t you leave this house? Stop looting us." Devika hands her a juice and says, "I added poison to it." Dolly chokes in fear. Devika laughs, "I was joking. But I know many ways to kill people."

The function begins. Devika comforts Param, "I know you are upset because Seher isn’t here." Rajveer, lost in thoughts, imagines Seher. Meanwhile, Karan notices Raj and Seher on a video call and distracts Prince before he sees them. Rajveer hides his phone. Khushi demands, "Let’s dance." Rajveer firmly responds, "I will dance, but not with you."

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