Thapki English Written Update Episode 401 Wednesday March 29 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-03-27 21:48:04 |

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 Thapki English Written Update Episode 401 Wednesday March 29 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 401

Wednesday March 29 2023

Shraddha searches for black balloon and sees it in Tina’s hands. She asks her to give black color balloon to her and pinches her before pushing. Bani holds Tina and says now see what I will do with you. Sankara tells Thapki that she will never change and tells that she will play holi with Bihaan and asks her to be in the water saving her respect. She throws her dupatta far away. She takes color in her hands and calls Bihaan. Shraddha sees Thapki and Sankara, but couldn’t see rightly due to bhaang effect. She asks who is your mummy. Bani points towards Sankara. Shraddha throws black color balloon on Sankara’s face. Kids laugh. Thapki says your face is blackened. Sankara gets angry and tries to wash her face. Shraddha comes to her and says your face is black and your heart is also black. She says God has colored your face black…Thapki. Sankara throws water on her face and says I am Sankara and not Thapki. Shraddha asks how did your face turn black. Sankara says you have ruined my face. Shraddha says Bani lied to me and holds her head.

Bihaan washes his face and gets flashes of Thapki in black and white. Thapki is still stuck in pool. Bihaan comes and asks what she is doing in the water. He asks her to give her hand to him. Thapki covers her dress. Bihaan sees her dupatta on the tree and jumps in the pool. He covers her dupatta…Ranjhana song plays……Thapki looks at him. Bihaan thinks about Thapki’s words and realizes jumping in the water to save her. He lifts her and takes her out of pool. Duniya Me Kitni Hai song plays…….Balwinder and Vasu smiles. Sankara and Shraddha come there and are upset. Bihaan takes color and applies on her face. He says happy holi. Thapki also applies color on his face. She smiles and looks at Sankara and Shraddha. Suman says nothing happened to Bihaan and he is becoming fine. Tina and Bani come to them. Tina asks Bihaan to play holi with them. Bani says ghajab. They apply color on each other and hug Bihaan. Vasu tells Balwinder that miracle is happening and wishes Bihaan and Thapki’s family get complete. Shraddha says your dream will never be fulfilled. She says she will smash their dreams.

Sankara comes home with drummer/band baja. Bihaan and Thapki comes. Vasu asks what is this? Sankara says she thought to surprise them specially Tina and Bihaan. She says their marriage mahurat is taken out by Pandit ji and asks Vasu to bless her. Pandit ji comes. She bends down to touch her feet, but Vasu moves back. Sankara says Pandit ji took out tomorrow’s mahurat.

Sankara tells everyone that marriage mahurat is tomorrow and asks Pandit ji to say. Shraddha says it is a good news. Sankara tells that Tina will get a mother now with all rituals. Shraddha says you have surprised us and now I want to give you a surprise. She asks someone to bring Bihaan weds Sankara’s hanging. Sankara asks Bihaan if he is happy? Bihaan says if Tina is happy then he is also happy and can do anything for his daughter’s happiness. Thapki cries. Shraddha asks what happened? If you are shocked and tells that Bihaan and Sankara will marry in 24 hours and asks her to get ready to leave. She says Bihaan will go far away from you for forever.

Sankara and Shraddha come for shopping. Shraddha says we shall buy your bridal dress. Sankara says she will buy costliest dress so that Bihaan couldn’t keep his eyes off her. A buffalo sees Sankara as she is wearing red saree and gets crazy. It runs after Sankara. Sankara and Shraddha hides. Buffalo sees Sankara. Sankara gets scared and asks Shraddha to save her. Buffalo owner comes and tells that buffalo gets crazy seeing red color dress. He takes buffalo with him. Shraddha says we shall buy wedding dress for you. They see Thapki and Vasu coming there. Thapki tells that she has to come in bridal avatar infront of Bihaan, and tells that Sankara and Shraddha mistreat Tina a lot. Vasu says I am with you and asks her to go with her plan. Sankara tells that Thapki is trying to make Bihaan get back his memory.

Shraddha gets an idea and tells that she will make Thapki die. Tina comes to Gulabo and apply color on its forehead. She tells that she wants to make Thapki as her mum, but if she says anything then Sankara and Shraddha will beat her a lot. Bani hears her and thinks Tina hasn’t changed, it is just that she is scared. Shraddha asks Sankara to hide Gulabo inside. She then asks buffalo owner to bring his crazy buffalo. The man ties his buffalo and asks Shraddha to be careful. Shraddha says I know, and asks him to leave. She says it will be fun now.

Balwinder calls Shraddha. Shraddha gets tensed. Balwinder asks what you are doing here? Shraddha says I came to see if Gulabo have food. Balwinder says I came to feed her and asks it to come. Buffalo makes angry sound. Balwinder asks if this is changed. Shraddha says may be due to hot summer, and says she will feed buffalo. She asks buffalo to take anger on Thapki.

Thapki gets ready as a bride and says she will have to make him remember their past. She thinks Bihaan will not marry Sankara then. She gets message from Bihaan’s phone asking her to come to lawn. She thinks God wants them to be together. Shraddha says buffalo called you to make you separate from him for forever. Thapki comes out and asks Bani if she saw Bihaan. Bani says no. Buffalo sees Thapki and breaks its rope. Thapki runs inside the house holding Tina’s hands. Tina falls down. Thapki holds her hand and tries to save her. Everyone panics. Balwinder says he will control Gulabo, but buffalo is still crazy. Everyone panic and doesn’t know how to control the buffalo. Buffalo eyes Thapki and walks towards her.

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